Sunday, March 10, 2013

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-17 2013

Dear Family,

I am feeling a lot better so don´t worry about me. Thank you for your prayers and support.
This week was good. Hard and long and full of work! We were challenged by our Zone Leader to achieve the Standards of Excellence and so that was what we were working towards and we got it! 

1 baptism (Roy)
12 lessons with member
3 people with fechas bautismales
6 new investigators
6 investigators at church

It was tough and I am exhausted! But it worked out really well and we acheived all of those goals and even received more than what we planned for. It was a week full of miracles. 

The biggest miracle was that on Sunday Roy got confirmed, received the Priesthood, and received his first calling-Gospel Principles class President-where he welcomes the class, asks someone to give a prayer, takes roll, and closes the class asking someone to give a prayer. He was so excited and so happy to be up there and to participate.

The next huge miracle was during Sacrament meeting. Here is what I wrote in my journal: "How exciting! So many investigators in church today-ALL friends of the members. Roy came and has a calling to welcome the people in the Gospel Principles class. He was confirmed and received the Holy Ghost to accompany him forever. And on top of that he received the Aaronic Priesthood. Then they called up and gave the baptismal certificates to everyone whom Hermana Rivera and I have helped get baptized. Lupe, Fausta, Xavi and Roy. It was incredible to see that these people are now members and that their lives are forever changed! Heavenly Father let us be instruments in His hands so that we could help save these peoples´ lives and in return they have forever changed mine! What a blessing and a privilege that I have to be a missionary here-to be serving in this Ward with my companion-helping teach her how to do missionary work. We have seen so many miracles and today was such a great day!"

It was so special to see all of them walk up with big smiles on their faces. We had a lot of investigators in Sacrament meeting and they are all friends of members, which is a miracle. It was fast and testimony meeting. I knew that I needed to bear my testimony because it would be my last chance to do it in a Fast and Testimony meeting in the mission. I was so happy. Right after me, Roy got up and bore his testimony. I think everyone in the congregation was crying. After that everyone bore their testimonies about missionary work and/or baptisms. The Ward has really come together with all of the excitement of the baptisms. We have 4 new fechas that are very solid.

Pabel and Evelyn will get married the 21st and baptized and confirmed the 24th. They are from Honduras. They are incredible and counting down the days until they can finally be baptized. They  have been waiting for so long!

Ana is a friend of Xavi and his family that we helped reactivate. They are all from Uruguay. Ana´s parents are less active and she never got baptized. She is so ready now and prepared. She said that her whole life she has been praying to know when it would be her turn/when she would  be prepared to be baptized and maybe help all of her family get back to church. In the first lesson we invited her to be baptized on March 16th and she accepted it saying that she knew that that was her fecha.  We just need to start teaching her husband. He says that he wants to be with her forever-to be sealed in the temple. He asked what it would take to get there. That´s when we come in and teach him and prepare him for baptism! Exciting!

Lourdes, who is from Bolivia is a friend of Nora, the first counselor in the Relief Society President,  has been to a baptism. One day she wasn´t feeling good and so Nora suggested that she receive a blessing of health from a few members. We all went into a room, explained what a blessing was and she then received it. It was beautiful and the Spirit really affected her. Afterwards she told us that she wanted to be baptized. She asked what she had to do to be baptized and so we encouraged her to attend church and then we would see when she could get baptized.

Thanks for your encouragement and love.

Hermana Johnson

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