Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Farewell Talk!

So, I had my farewell talk this last Sunday (9/25/11) in my home ward.

It went really well! I was asked to speak about the Plan of Salvation, specifically the Atonement, using "Preach My Gospel," about my decision to serve a mission, and I had to appeal to the youth. That was definitely a lot to think about and plan for. I had a hard time starting to write it, but once I got going it was a lot easier.

I talked my dad and sister Kristen into singing the musical number before I spoke. I had a hard time searching for a song and it was kind of stressful trying to figure it all out. I took a suggestion of a friend and chose the song called "The Olive Tree."

I got to sacrament meeting and saw some extended family members who drove down to see me, and a lot of friends came. It was so good to see everyone. I was very happy sitting up on the stand because I got to look out at the congregation and see a lot of familiar faces.

There was a youth speaker, an adult speaker, then the musical number, and then me. I was already way nervous but excited. I started crying before my dad and sister even started singing. I really struggled during the dad even got teary eyed during the song. I looked down in my lap the whole time trying to hold back tears.

My turn to talk came too quickly. I was still crying. I get up there and have to take a few seconds to grab a tissue and wipe my face...then when I finally started talking my voice was was tough. It was just the best present I could have asked for-to have my dad and sister sing together for me!! In front of everyone, even though they were nervous and possibly out of their comfort zone.

My talk went well. I actually had about 10-15 minutes to give it. I ended about 5 after. It worked out perfectly. I am SO glad that it's done. I loved seeing everyone after sacrament meeting. The hugs were much needed and I am so grateful for everyone's love and support.

After sacrament meeting we had some people over to our house for some food. It was really nice to be with close friends and family. Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of pictures which I am bummed about. I was so tired and overwhelmed with everything that happened that day that I didn't even think about it...I wish I did...
My best childhood friends and I. Reunited after a while.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I am going on a mission!!!

Why a Mission?!

I have always wanted to serve a mission and I would think to myself, if I am not married when I am 21, then I am gonna do it! So here I am! I was dating but I felt that a mission was still an option that I should seriously consider.

More specifically I had a great seminary teacher-Sister Davies-she had us write in a journal and she clued in on us. Plus this boy I liked was a huge example to me and I wanted to be more like him...But anyway, Sister Davies really motivated me and encouraged me. She would read my journal entries and write comments in response to them that helped motivate me more. I started memorizing all the scripture masteries and even memorized the First Vision and the Living Christ. After sophomore year of high school I really started considering serving a mission someday. That desire increased over time.

I made it into BYU! I didn't think I would because I didn't have the best gpa and the ACT test was rough...Sister Davies had believed in me and helped me believe in myself. Then I was Relief Society President in my freshmen ward in the dorms. Then I was a Resident Assistant for my sophomore and junior years. After being in those positions, I realized how much I like teaching, listening, and serving those around me. It became my way of life and who I am today.

The major deciding factor that was for sure the turning point towards serving a mission was what happened last summer. My brother-in-law suffered from a liver failure and my sister and 18 month old niece moved into our house. I was working for an elementary school and trying to be involved in the singles ward but ultimately, I was helping raise my niece. Times were tough. It was really hard to find Jared a new healthy liver. By the time a good liver was available, Jared's health was deteriorating. Soon into the surgery his blood pressure dropped really low and they couldn't get it back up. He passed away on July 9, 2010.
 It was the hardest thing my family has ever experienced or at least the hardest experience for me. I was the last family member to find out about his death. I cried long and hard out on my driveway. At that point in time I knew that I had to turn to Heavenly Father and my Savior to rely on them more than ever. I knew that there would be hard times ahead for my family and that if I was able, I could be a strength to them.

I got more hours at work so I could have the money to support myself at school the next year. My dad was unemployed for a year and was just getting into a new job at that time. Sweet family members and friends donated money and help for the funeral and for Kristen and Bryanna. Just a month earlier I received notice from BYU-I got 4 scholarships and half a grant plus my RA job. Because of that I had school expenses, food, and housing paid for plus some. I knew how blessed I was. I don't think I would've made it back to BYU for my junior year without the help and support of many people.

People helped my family and I SO much like taking care of Bryanna, especially at church. I remember I was holding her in the foyer after sacrament meeting and I just started crying because I was so overwhelmed that Sunday. Sweet people came up to me and took her off my hands and then gave me much needed hugs. We felt the love from those around us even if they were doing simple things like giving hugs or bringing meals over.

When I got back to school I realized how alone I suddenly felt. I was so busy taking care of everyone else (especially my niece) all summer that I never really had alone time. Even though I was in a leadership position and I got to serve my residents, I still felt alone. I couldn't talk to anyone about what happened that summer even my closest friends, because a part of me had changed. I wasn't the same person that I was before. I didn't want to do the same things I would usually want to do with them. I spent a lot of time on my knees during that time. I also spent a lot of time counting all of my blessings and finally mourning over my brother-in-law's death. I had a change of heart for the better as I humbled myself and turned to my Savior.

I realized just how blessed I was and how much I was being watched over and cared for from above. I reviewed the summer and noticed the hands of Heavenly Father touching me and my family often. I wouldn't have been able to do the things I did or helped the family members I helped without turning myself over to Him. I could have easily gone into depression and stayed in my room everyday all day.

I was overwhelmed with gratitude for all of my blessings. I thought what better way to say thank you to my Heavenly Father then serving a mission and becoming the Lord's servant for 18 months. I was so grateful that I would definitely be willing to put my life on hold for a short time just to serve Him and share this great gospel with those who are struggling and hungering for hope and truth in their lives. What better way to say thank you then that?

The Process

So December of 2010 I approached my bishop and asked him if I could start preparing. After solving a few mis-communication problems and meeting a few times I finally had my missionary account online.

After that I didn't do a lot to start on the paperwork. I was busy with school and dating and work. I finally seriously worked on it during Spring term in the month of April after I moved into my new apartment. It was very stressful especially because I was in Provo and my parents were in San Diego. I had to figure everything out on my own with not much help from them.

It was fun telling everyone that I was working on my mission papers. My new roommates were so good to me! For my birthday they decorated our apartment and made me a sweet birthday cake and invited friends from the ward over.
"The greatest one of all!!! You are!"
"New things you can do now: 1. Purchase Alcohol 2. Go on a mission them in that order! :)"
"Happy Late Birthday Laura. We Love You!!"

Then later on my roommates and I went on a hunt to find a world map! After visiting many different stores we finally found a perfect laminated one at Barnes N Noble. We hung it up on our wall and invited people to come over and put a mark where they thought I would get called to on my mission. With a sign that said, "Where in the world will Laura go on her mission?" I added a piece of paper next to the map for people to write down their names and their guesses so I could keep track for my journal :)

So back to my papers (because we had that whole party before I even submitted them!) My dad recently got a new job and so we didn't know a whole lot about our insurance. After making several phone calls I was finally able to fill out my health insurance information. When doing this, I learned that I would have to be paying by myself for a physical. That cost a lot of money. And then I found out about the 13 cavities that I needed to get filled....yup.... Luckily, I had good dental insurance though I still paid quite a bit for that in money and in pain...then I had to meet with my new bishop and get acquainted with him. It seemed like forever but after all of that I FINALLY got to submit my papers!!!!!!!!!! I was SO excited and relieved that I did it, so I took a picture of the submitted page on the missionary online system. :)

I saved a text that I got from my bishop on July 12, 2011..."Laura, the online system indicates that your call letter was sent 7/8/11, so hopefully you will hear soon. Bishop Clegg."

MY CALL!!!!!!!

After telling coworkers and friends about this text, everyone said it would arrive the next day...on Tuesday the 13th...In my head though, I knew that people usually received their calls on Wednesdays. So I tried not to get my hopes up too high. I was very nervous and anxious when I checked the mailbox...Inside was a large white envelope!...after turning it over I found that it was addressed to my roommate...some insurance thing hahaha.

So the next day, July 14, 2011 I left work at the Bookstore around 5 or 5:30 trying to be casual and not letting my hopes get too high. I even took the mail key with me to work so my roommates wouldn't be tempted to check the mail before me :) I walked slowly to my mailbox trying to remain cool...I opened it and saw a big white envelope, sure enough with my name on it from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I hugged it and made it. I made it. I hiked up the 3 flight of stairs to my apt. sooo excited. I texted all of my friends telling them to come to my apt. that night to watch me "open it."

I locked myself inside my room and sneakily opened it from the bottom using a box cutter that I borrowed from work. Barcelona, Spain! I couldn't believe it. I was so happy and shocked and speechless. I let my roommates in and had them promise not to tell anyone I opened it. I called a good friend and told him. Then I called my parents and pretended to "open it" and told them of my plan to "open it" again later on that night for my friends. My parents were thrilled!! It was so neat to hear them so proud of me. I got my wish-Spanish speaking and out of the states. My mom got her wish-not in South or Central America. It was perfect, I felt so blessed.

Then my roommates and I had our dinner group and then I even went to institute!! Haha. I pretended that whole time that I hadn't opened it yet. I told another good friend in the meantime. My friends and family were good at keeping my secret. Later on that night all of my friends came over to the apt. I had them add their guesses on my map and write it down on my paper. My friend Javier guessed Barcelona and he even was wearing a Barcelona jersey! What are the chances?

Then I opened it and my roommate filmed it. It was so fun and I was so grateful for all of my friends coming and supporting me. I have been blessed with great friends. No one really asked me if I had opened it earlier, so that's good. :)
It wasn't hard pretending because I was still SO excited and SO happy even if I had opened it earlier.
Unfortunately, a lot of people left before I could get a picture of everyone who came!
Me and my roommate from freshmen year-Mindy!
Me and my very colorful map!
I love the way it all turned out-it was perfect!
Mission Preparation

So after that I met with my bishop the next week to write my letter of acceptance. I got my FBI Clearance application form and my visa applications in the mail. I sent the FBI Clearance off as soon as I could...except that it takes 8 weeks to actually I am still waiting to get the Clearance. After calling them, they told me to expect it around the 26th of September. As soon as I get that, I need to send a cover letter to the Secretary of State of California to get an Apostille. As soon as I receive that, I put the FBI Clearance form, the Apostille, and the 3 Visa Applications with my passport together and I send that off to the Church Travel Offices in Salt Lake. Because of how long all of this is taking...I have no clue when I will get my visa... : / Hopefully, I will be able to send everything off to Salt Lake before I leave San Diego Oct. 8th...

So, I report to the Provo MTC October 12th. It says I will be there for 3 weeks and then go to the Madrid MTC for 6 weeks and then off to Barcelona. It says if I don't get my visa in time, I won't be able to go to the Madrid MTC :( So we will see what happens...maybe I will be on a temporary mission somewhere in the states while I wait for it (would be like I'm serving 2 missions!)...The MTC called me and gave me a Spanish language training test I got into the Intermediate class!! Whatever that means... :)

Before I moved home to San Diego from Provo, I went shopping at the new Sister Missionary Mall in Orem. Definitely was in there for a couple hours and spent a lot of money, BUT I have great clothes and I am ready! I got my other stuff just at random stores and I finally finished shopping this week. The last things I needed to get were more contacts and new lens in my glasses.

Neat Things and Coincidences!

Do you know what is SO COOL? My stake president up at the BYU 3rd Stake is Clark Monson! President Monson's son! They look very similar! It was so cool talking to him, it was like I was talking to a younger version of the prophet! AND what's sweet is that my mission president in Barcelona is Clark Hinckley!!!! President Hinckley's son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so lucky and so blessed. It's so neat.

Sister Davies, my seminary teacher from sophomore and junior year, knows Clark Hinckley and his wife really well! So she forwarded me some of their weekly e-mails that Sister Hinckley sends out, so I got to read some of those! It was so neat! She e-mailed Sister Hinckley and told her about me coming out there! :)

Also, what's really cool is that I have already met 2 girls who are also going to Barcelona and reporting Oct. 12th like me! I was visiting my sister's ward and a lady in her ward heard about my mission. She told me about a girl named Sarah Stephenson who is going exactly same place on the same day. We are now facebook friends and possibly future companions :) Then I was sitting in my apt. and a guy was in there talking to my roommate. He found out about my mission and said he was an EFY Counselor with a girl named Andrea Jorgenson who is going to Barcelona on Oct. 12th!! We are facebook friends now and maybe future companions (not to mention we've definitely had Elementary Education classes together before at BYU). I told Sarah about Andrea and Andrea about Sarah and now we're all friends :)

Then I went to the Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center down in Old Town and a sister missionary there told me that her friend is going to the Madrid mission on Oct. 12th. So now I am friends with Kimberly Johnson (dos Hermana Johnsons?) :)

Another neat thing is that my good friend Jason Jensen just went to Madrid and visited Barcelona this last semester and he got to tell me a lot about it. Then my best friend Amanda Gibbs just got back from vacation in Barcelona! So we have some things to talk about as well. :)

I am super excited because my parents want to come pick me up in 18 months and we want to travel around Europe. My mom really wants to go to Scotland and Ireland and I want to go everywhere, but especially Greece. It's going to be so cool! April 2013 will be a sweet reunion. :)

Another neat thing is the perfect timing of serving a mission right now with my schooling. Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be an elementary school teacher and in high school I loved taking Child Development and I got to volunteer at Poway High Preschool and teach lessons there. I was also a Teaching Intern for my Child Development class and I got to help teach the lower level class. I also got a job at Midland Elementary School and got to help with an after-school program and summer program where I got to teach lessons also. I LOVE teaching! So at BYU I declared an Elementary Ed pre-major...

I started taking a Spanish class my freshmen year of high school and I loved it! I had a great teacher for a couple years and then an even better teacher my junior year. I was doing really well and my last teacher recommended me to be a Teaching Intern for a Spanish 1-2 class whose teacher just happened to also be the Spanish AP teacher. The two teachers decided that I should try skipping a Spanish class and go into AP Spanish my senior year. They were going to work with me throughout the summer to prep me for AP. I didn't go for it (and I regret it!!!!).

I didn't take Spanish my senior year or my freshmen year at BYU. I decided to get into it again my sophomore year. I started at the beginning because I wasn't confident that I would remember much. Fall semester I took 101-102 accelerated (8 credits per semester) and then winter semester I took 105-106 accelerated (also 8 credits in 1 semester). I remembered how much I loved Spanish!!! My junior year I took 205 (the GE course) and 211 (a conversation class) the first semester and then I took 206 second semester. The next class was 321 which was the RM class. I was way nervous but my friend Brooke Ford and I did it during spring term!!! I got it done and I got A's the whole time. I loved it!!

During my sophomore year all the girls in my pre-req. El Ed classes were applying for the program. Because I was spending so much time in Spanish classes I didn't apply yet. I ended up applying during my junior year to start the program my senior year, and got accepted for the fall (right now...I deferred and would start fall of 2013). That worked out perfect because they just changed the El Ed program and application process. I was a double major (El Ed with Early Childhood Emphasis) and a double minor (Spanish and TESOL-Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at the time. They changed the program to have the TESOL and the ECE a part of the Elementary Education major as a whole. So that meant I went down to a single major (El Ed) and a single minor (Spanish).

I was thinking about teaching at a dual immersion elementary school...teaching in Spanish one week and English the next...When I submitted my mission papers there was definitely the possibility of me not going Spanish speaking and I would be devastated (especially after recently taking almost 30 credits of Spanish). Then I could have forgotten things and maybe not had that minor anymore when I got back...BUT I HAVE BEEN BLESSED!!!

After a lot of thought and prayer, I think I am going to actually change my major...I want to be a Spanish High School Teacher. I thought back to when I worked with the younger children (like at PH Preschool and the elementary school and BYU Preschool)...then I thought about my being Relief Society President and an RA twice and working with the freshmen...I LOVE working with the older age group...

I am SO excited about my future. Heavenly Father has blessed me so much. Serving a mission Spanish speaking and especially in Spain with the more formal Spanish...someone up there is looking out for me...

First Temple Experience

I went through the temple for the first time on Saturday, September 3rd, the 2:00 session.  My mom was my escort, my dad was there and my sister Kristen came. Plus I had called and invited some good family friends to attend my first session with me! I was also happy to have my good friends Cory Whatcott and Trevor Davies there! I was so grateful for everyone's support and love.
My dad, me, Kristen, and my mom!
ME! :)

My first experience was special and unique. I thought I was pretty prepared because I actually taught the Temple Prep class twice during my junior year in the freshmen ward at BYU. President Monson also told me a lot of things about the temple in my recommend interview. But I guess I didn't know completely what to expect. It was a sweet and very humbling experience. The temple is beautiful-beyond beautiful even.

I was grateful for the close friends and my bishop who talked to me and listened to me share my feelings the next day after going through. My parents were also a huge support. I didn't open up to them right away about my feelings and questions because I wanted to be on my knees for a while before approaching them. When I did talk to them it made a huge difference. I feel like I have more respect for them and I look up to them that much more because of their faithfulness and testimonies of the temple.

The answer to all of my prayers was to just go more to the temple. That next week I went 3 times. The Relief Society President in the singles ward, Kandis Reed, is amaaazing and I LOVE HER. She shared with me a book on cd called "House of Glory" by S. Michael Wilcox. I highly recommend this book to everyone! It is so good. He puts the things that go on in the temple in scriptural perspective. It helped me better understand things a LOT! I love it.

Anyway, last week I went to the temple Tuesday-Saturday! It was so neat going everyday! It was also neat because I got to do every ordinance that I could in the temple. I did baptisms and confirmations with my best friend Tanya Garcia on Saturday. I did initiatories by myself one day. I did an endowment session with my sister Kristen one day and then I did sealings with my mom on Friday! It was so neat. I am so blessed to have a temple close by. It's beautiful and I am learning a LOT.

I love to see the temple. I can go there! I feel the Holy Spirit, I listen and I pray. For the temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty. I prepared myself while I was younger, this is still my sacred duty. I love to see the temple. I went inside! I covenanted with my Father and I promised to obey. For the temple is a holy place where we are sealed together. As a child of God I've learned this truth, a family is forever.

Talk in the Mt. Woodson YSA Ward (7/18/11)

I got called Friday night from the awesome Brother Brundage asking me to give a talk that Sunday! My topic was faith. It was a great opportunity for me especially since I am giving my farewell talk this next Sunday. Two different talks two Sundays in a row! :) I feel blessed for the opportunity.

I based my talk around the song "Faith" from the Children's Songbook. It was neat. :)

"Faith is knowing the sun will rise, lighting each new day. Faith is knowing the Lord will hear my prayers each time I pray. Faith is like a little seed, if planted it will grow. Faith is a swelling within my heart. When I do right, I know. Faith is knowing I lived with God before my mortal birth. Faith is knowing I can return when my life ends on earth. Faith is trust in God above; In Christ who showed the way. Faith is strengthened, I feel it grow; whenever I obey."

My life is wonderful. :) And my farewell talk is in a few days! I hope to see YOU there :) Thanks for your support and love. I love you. And, thanks for reading all of this! hahaha

More info about my farewell found on facebook. Here's the link: