Sunday, August 12, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Zaragoza) Week-16 2012

I am doing well and loving life! It is still hot here in Zaragoza but I decided that I love the heat!  Haha… (…getting used to it)

It is still the three of us; Hermana Reeder and I, and our amazing mini Missionary-Hermana Yabeta. But, we are so sad because she is leaving this Saturday to go back to Bilbao. We don´t want her to leave because she has helped us out so much.

We love the Churches, who are the senior couple here. They are always serving us and are even driving us to Lleida tomorrow for our special training with the President and our Zone. So as a thank you we made them lunch yesterday between the two Branch meetings. We set up a nice table in our apartment. Hermana Yabeta made rice with chicken (popular dish here) and I made a salad and Hermana Reeder made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (Hermana Church loves cookies) and we ate them with ice cream. It was wonderful and I love learning from Elder Church and love them so much and you will definitely get to meet them someday. I even offered to give Hermana Church a manicure-French tip. J

We eat well. Hermana Yabeta has taught us neat meals to fix. I wrote down the recipes and am excited to make them for you someday.

We go running every morning by the river, across bridges, etc. It´s a beautiful city and we are really taking advantage of being here. We run anywhere between 15-35 minutes.

I get to play the piano a lot and am getting a lot better at it...little by little.

I don´t want to leave Zaragoza.  Everyone thinks I will. The next transfer is August 21st which is coming up. I will let you know what happens.

This is the Lord's work and it is wonderful to be a part of it!  He knows what is best for us. Just when you feel comfortable and feel like you´re on the right track, plans change and He is ready to stretch you more so that you can grow. He trusts us and we just need to trust Him more. J Something I'm really learning on my Mission.

A couple miracle stories from this week are that our most recent convert Engracia paid her tithing all on her own. Then she helped us teach her friend. We watched the Restoration video in the chapel with our Ward Mission Leader. Engracia bore testimony about her feelings about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith.  She said the main thing that helped her decide to be a member of the Church was the Book of Mormon. There is power in the Book of Mormon! J Then on Sunday in Gospel Principles class, our teacher called on her to answer a question. She answered and told of an experience. In Relief Society she said the opening prayer and then bore her testimony. It was incredible! People came up to us at the end and commented how strong she is and the Relief Society has really welcomed her. They are so sweet and seem to really care for her! We are SO excited and she is SO happy.

Another miracle story, Javier who is inactive that talked to me on the bus, came to Church again yesterday. He got up and bore his testimony in Sacrament meeting. It was wonderful! He talked about how he has been inactive for ten years and talked about the power of prayer; how Heavenly Father is always watching over us and will always answer our prayers. While riding home together on the bus he told us that the Branch President asked him if he would be willing to accept a calling. He joyfully said yes that he was ready for a calling. It was amazing. Tears come to my eyes as I think about the importance of bringing a less active back to Church. Generations will be affected. The work is moving forward and we are the Lord´s instruments. We love this man so much and we often cry together when we talk to him. I am so happy that he is back in the Church and ready to serve the Lord again.

Esther, who has been inactive has come back (we had helped her daughter, Helen, get baptized back in April.)  She is so ready now to prepare herself to get her patriarchal blessing and to someday go to the temple. She is setting a wonderful example for her daughter as well. Generations will be affected, once again!

Even another family returned at the beginning of this year. Sashy and Douglas told me that it was thanks to their young daughters that they returned to Church activity because the girls wanted to learn more about Jesus. They have been coming faithfully every week and one of the little girls even gave me a drawing of the star and the baby Jesus yesterday in Sacrament meeting.

The main theme in Sacrament meeting yesterday among the testimonies was the amazing example that children set for adults and the importance of becoming more like little children with unshakable faith. It was incredible.

Another miracle was that yesterday a Spaniard woman named Ana came into Church and said she found the location of the capilla online. She lived in St. George for 10 months studying to be an English teacher and was introduced to the Church there. Things didn´t work out and she´s ready to learn more now. I introduced her to the YW President who also went to Utah to be an English teacher and is now back here. They ended up exchanging phone numbers!

Then the second counselor in our Branch Presidency found a Spaniard woman named Isabel outside of McDonalds crying and had an impression to talk to her. He learned that the woman lost her son a few years ago. He was able to give us her information that night when we visited his home. We invited her to Church and we met with her early Sunday morning and then took the bus together to Church. A member just happened to be on the bus as well. He bore his testimony to her and gave her good advice on reading the Book of Mormon. When the second counselor in the Branch Presidency was conducting he welcomed her. I noticed during Sacrament meeting she had tears in her eyes a few times during the testimonies. After Sacrament meeting, many of the members came up and greeted her. She loved all the classes and we had a great conversation after Church. The Relief Society President bore her testimony out in the hall afterwards, also, and told her what she needed to do to gain her own testimony. We gave her a Book of Mormon and set up another visit with her

Also, Dad is there any way you can e-mail me some phrases to say to the Chinese people here? They are so nice and we have made friends with some. They don´t speak Spanish very well. I don´t know how they live here or have these successful stores when they don´t know the language!

Hermana Reeder´s grandpa died this last week. She took it really hard. Her great grandpa on her Mom´s side is President Ezra Taft Benson. It was his son Mark Benson (2nd of the children) who passed away. I felt so bad for her. She is still trying to get through it. She read to me her Dad´s email that he sent to her last week explaining what happened. He just had a sudden illness. The Prophet visited him when all of Hermana Reeder´s family was there at their grandpa´s home in Salt Lake. The Prophet and Hermana Reeder´s Dad gave her grandpa Benson a blessing. It is an incredible story and maybe I will tell it to you someday. She got a letter from her Mom today with his obituary and she said that the Prophet and Richard G Scott spoke at his well as her Mom...who was super nervous. J

I love you so much. I am so grateful for your support and prayers. I can´t wait to tell you about these neat experiences I'm having here when I see you! The time is really flying by fast and I am trying to enjoy every minute of it and be an instrument of the Lord and help these people.

I love you.


Hermana Laura Johnson

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Zaragoza) Week-15 2012

Dear Family,

This week was soooo busy. I am exhausted! Last night I went to bed at 10pm and still had a hard time waking up this morning at 7:30 A.M. I could sleep all day.

My companions and I received the Standards of Excellence for the week! This is a huge honor and a huge accomplishment! My first time in the Spain Barcelona Mission (I got them before in the Salt Lake City Mission a few times but they are different there because each Mission President sets the numbers for the Standards of Excellence). This means 12 lessons with a member present: 6 investigators at Church. 6 new investigators found. And 3 people with baptismal dates. It is harder to accomplish than it sounds. BUT, the Lord is very aware of us and I could see his hands in the picture every day. It´s incredible that we were able to do so much work and help so many people.
What a blessing! I love being a missionary --- even if we are overwhelmed and SO TIRED. It is all worth it because we are helping bring people unto Christ. Heavenly Father is very much a part of this work.
There is SO much I want to tell you about this week. It was long and hard and busy but we made it AND we had a miracle baptism...

We really saw the hand of the Lord in our lives and helping us get along. We were very blessed to have the baptism of Engracia this week. She is incredible! We have been teaching her for about a month or so. She is from Angola, Africa. The main turning point was when we brought Rosa Maria with us to a lesson. Her and Rosa Maria hit it off really well and it was a huge testimony builder to me, the importance of having a member with you in the lesson. They were instant friends and Rosa Maria really helped comfort and encourage Engracia.

Her baptismal service went well with amazing talks and music! She had to get baptized 7 times because she was so afraid of going under the water. Despite this fear, she finally came out after the 7th time and she had a big smile on her face with the best attitude ever.  At Church on Sunday, her confirmation was beautiful, by the second counselor in the Branch Presidency. Her face was beaming and she looked beautiful in traditional dress from Angola. She told us that she is now a new person. It was amazing!!
What a great miracle... Really incredible and what a blessing to be a part of it all!

Hermana Johnson

Interesting --- This is from Hermana Reeder´s (my companion) e-mail:
Also!!!  Last week, I lost Hermana Johnson´s "Preach My Gospel" book. I have been helping her to carry her things, because of her burned hand.  We were in a rush and while getting off the bus, I left it on the seat. We realized that also in the book, were our documents for the contracts for our piso and also I had just finished my residency work here in Zaragoza and all of those papers were inside.  I felt sick to my stomach.  We came home and offered a prayer that Heavenly Father would help someone find the book and about an hour later, we received a phone call from a lady who told me she had found the book and gave it to the bus driver. However, when we went ot the bus place, the man told us that there had been an accident on the street and the bus driver had lost the book and no one knew where it was.  Well I have been so sick and have been calling the lost and found every day for the last week. The people now know us by name, because we go in to check every day. Well when we went and got Hermana Yabetás bus pass yesterday, a man saw us come in and motioned us over to the desk. He held up the book and I was so happy I started crying. The papers had gotten a little wet and dirty, but everything was there. So silly, but I knew it was an answer to prayer and that Heavenly Father is aware of even our smallest desires, even though it was a big one for me.

Love you, have a good week

Engracia's baptism day with Ignacio who baptized her and Rosa Maria, his mother-in-law

Engracia from Angola Africa Baptism

In the pueblo area visiting Angola an investigator