Monday, October 10, 2011

Last few days before leaving

Natalie and Jasmine and I
Saying good bye to family at home. My new niece will be so old and different when I get back!
Jasmine Rae Triplett and I
Tanya Garcia and I

And then a very long road trip up to West Jordan, Utah on Saturday.

Sunday, an incredible experience for me at church in my aunt's Relief Society. A new found excitement to serve a mission and gather Israel! I am going to be a part of it!!! :)

A dinner and then an open house/dessert night with friends and family.
Chelsea Marriott and I
Cousin Jean and I
Dinner group
My Byers cousins
The Johnson family!!!
Jonathan and his cool roommates
The Jensen boys
My old roomies!
My Campus Plaza buddies
Great friends!!
Hand hugging Nathan Dunn
The wonderful artwork by Andy Conlin

On Monday morning, I went to the Salt Lake Temple with my dad and sister Kristen. We met my oldest sister Dawn, her husband Dave and his parents, Mark and Winnie there. We did a live endowment session-I LOVED it. I want to go back again when I get home.

Missed my other sisters and mom :(

Setting apart (Oct. 7, 2011)

I got set apart on Friday at 6pm by my stake president of the Poway, California Stake, President Gary Sabin.

It was an incredible meeting with him and my parents. The blessing was incredible and I tried to remember a lot to write down in my missionary journal.

I didn't necessarily feel different but I was just very happy. It finally happened and I am finally almost leaving! It's finally hitting me! I am going on a mission!!! :)

In the Stake President's office
My parents and me in his office
Me and President Sabin

Friday, October 7, 2011

I am a missionary...almost...

I am getting set apart in an hour. I am so excited. Thank you for all of your support and love. I am finally going to be a missionary!!!! Although I don't enter the MTC until Wednesday. Watch out world Hermana Johnson is coming :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Info Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you so much for all of your support for me as I prepare to serve a mission for 18 months for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am so excited to serve in Barcelona, Spain! I am reporting to the Provo Missionary Training Center on October 12th where I will learn how to teach the gospel in the Spanish language before headed to Spain.

I am very grateful for all of you in my life. If you would like to know how I am doing, I have created a blog where my weekly e-mails will be posted by a family member, instead of having a long forwarded e-mail list for my mom to send off every week.

If you think you will forget to check it every week, I have a spot on the right side of the page that says "Follow by Email" and then a blank white box and a 'Submit' button. If you want to get an e-mail every time a new post has been uploaded onto the blog, type your e-mail address in this blank white box and click the 'Submit' button. They will send you a confirmation e-mail where you will activate the service and then next time a new post is up, it will be automatically sent to your e-mail!! So you don't even need to get on the blog website every week to check the new post, it will just be sent to you.

Thanks again for your love and support. I am so excited to serve and be a representative of my Lord and Savior for 18 months of my life. I am excited to teach and learn to love the language and people in Spain. I am excited to bring the gospel and a new hope to the lives of God's children who are searching for truth. :):)

I know that my Savior lives and loves me. Christ suffered for my sins and died for me so that I can be forgiven and someday return to live with him, my Heavenly Father, and loved ones forever. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that he really did see God the Father and Jesus Christ in the sacred grove. He translated the Book of Mormon which is another testament of Christ that we have as added scripture today. I know that revelation still continues on the earth today. We have a modern day prophet and his name is Thomas S. Monson. He leads and guides our church today through inspiration from Heavenly Father. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the earth.

I know all of this because I have learned it for myself by praying and asking God if these things are true. I have received an answer. God does answer prayers and is very mindful of us and our needs; even our sorrows, pains, happiness, and joy. He knows you and loves you so much!

It's a great thing to be apart of this work. It brings happiness in my life and the lives of those around me. I am grateful for all of the blessings I have received and that my family will receive. My heart is full of love and joy for all that I have. Thanks again for all of your love and support. Wish me luck!


Hermana Laura Johnson :):)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I get set apart as a missionary on Friday night by my stake president, President Sabin at 6. Then on Saturday my parents, my sister Kristen and niece Bryanna and me are all piling into our old Suburban to drive up to Utah to my aunt's house in West Jordan. We are staying there until I enter the MTC on Wednesday the 12th. :)

I am excited to finally get going!!