Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Sabadell) Week-02 2012

Subject: What a first week!

Monday (19th) – We had a family night with some of the members and a few investigators, which was super fun!  I got to teach them a game about following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  We used a scarf to blindfold a person and then we hid some money or candy in a room.   Everyone had to yell out different directions and then have to try and listen to the "Holy Ghost" in their ear to lead them to the right place.  It was incredible because the members basically taught us and I really didn't need to say anything.  A lot of them are from around the world. (It is not often that actually we meet native Spaniards.)  They have been living here for a long time.

Tuesday (20th) – I registered at the Centro as a resident in Sabadell, but I still have to return to the Police Center in Madrid in about 40 days to complete the process and get an identification card.

Then we talked to Roberto, who is a 22 year old from Ecuador.  He decided to be baptized on April 7th.   He´s been through a lot in his life and it´s amazing to see how prepared he is with such a strong testimony.  A recent convert went with us to teach him, which was very helpful.

Wednesday (21st) – Hermana Rejon was feeling sick, so we stayed in our apartment a little longer in the morning.  Then we met with a recent convert named Guifre who has a real strong desire to learn more.  It makes me think:  Do I appreciate all that I know?  Do I have that same desire to learn a lot more like he does?   We have so many resources; it´s incredible how blessed we are to be able to learn so much more.

Thursday (22nd) – We traveled a lot today and got lost for a while!  Hermana Rejon is new to the area too, so we are learning together how the bus system works.  It is very efficient though, and a great opportunity to contact and meet people.  I noticed there aren't many people smiling here. I think some people think I'm weird when I smile at them.  I asked Hermana Rejon if it was obvious that I am not from here and she said "Yes" and that is probably because I smile a lot and not just because of my blond hair and blue eyes because there are a few other people here that have blond hair and blue eyes.

I've found that if another person smiles back at me, we end up talking to each other!  That is how we found Veronica, who can´t speak Spanish!  It was nice speaking English again and we have an appointment to teach her tonight!

Friday (23rd) – Today was Zone Conference with President and Hermana Hinckley.  There is definitely a higher standard here and I love it.  Everything is very formal which allows the Spirit to be even stronger.  I learned a lot and the Hinckley's are amazing and I am so lucky to have them as my leaders.  I bore my testimony about how much I know that the Savior loves each of us and how He is aware of our needs.  Again, it's incredible to have this knowledge and we do have so much to smile about.

Saturday (28th) – We met with Modibo from Africa and invited him to be baptized on April 7th and he said yes. :)  He said he would quit smoking so he could get closer to Heavenly Father and become more like Jesus Christ.  Hearing his testimony and prayer was really heartfelt.  It has been so amazing to have this opportunity to be a part of these peoples´ lives.

Sunday (29th) – It was my first time attending Church in Sabadell!  It is from 4-7 P.M.  The Bishop asked me to bear my testimony.  At first I was nervous, but as I started bearing testimony, I was not nervous anymore because the Spirit overwhelmed me. What great comfort.

I wrote in my journal: "Since learning Spanish, I´ve realized and gained a better perspective on what my relationship with Heavenly Father is to be like.  I speak in "usted" form all day everyday (formal)-except when I pray, I use the informal "tu" form.  It means a lot to me now."
Hermana Johnson

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Sabadell) Week-01 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow!  That’s all I can say. This is a totally different ballgame --- totally different.

Friday morning (March 16th), we missionaries took the train to Barcelona and slept the whole way.  When we got to Barcelona we met President and Sister Hinckley right away.  Sister Hinckley´s hug was so comforting. She said:  "So you´re Sister Johnson!   We have been waiting for you since July when Sister Davies told us that you opened your Mission call and was coming here!"  She gave me a big hug which made me feel really loved and welcomed. (I finally made it!)

I sat in the front seat of President Hinckley´s car and with three elders in the back seat and he drove us around town and up to the fort/castle at the top of the hill overlooking Barcelona.  I could smell and see the ocean!  Seagulls were flying around and it was sunny and beautiful outside.  I was with my Mission President and his wife.  MY Mission President!  It was wonderful. The others came in other cars.

President Hinckley walked us up to the top of the look-out point on top of the fort where he told us about Christopher Columbus and we read in the Book of Mormon.  We talked about the "Second Harvest", which is that Spain is going to lead Europe in baptisms (a prophecy by a General Authority).  We talked about our goal of 150+ baptisms for the first three months of this year.  We talked about the islands and how the "small island" of Ibiza now has the first missionaries that they have had in many years, and they are baptizing a lot over there!!  Miracles happen.  We learned about dreams that people have had and that they found the missionaries.  We heard about dreams missionaries have had and they found the people.

We learned that our Mission is known as one of the most obedient Missions in the world.  One difference is we cannot say the words "cool, awesome, sweet, DL, ZL, AP, etc."  We have a higher standard of language and obedience.  We have higher standards of excellence (much higher compared to the ones in Salt Lake that I was used too).  We have to wear suit jackets at every baptism and have to send a picture to the President of us and the converts.  We also have to wear suit jackets every time we see the President.  The Missionaries here are SO MATURE.  This is a whole new world (besides it being a totally different country.)

Our schedule is that we are to wake up at 7:30 A.M. and exercise for 30 minutes.  Then get ready for 30 minutes, and then eat breakfast for 30 minutes.  Personal study is at 9:00 AM.  Companionship study is from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  Then we go out and work.  We come back to our apartment from 2:00 to 3:00 PM to eat.  Language study is 3:00 to 4:00 P.M.  Then we work until 10 PM.  We finally review and plan for 30 minutes, and then go to bed by 11:30 PM. (No dinner).  It's totally different from what I'm used to!

The weather is beautiful and the people are different in their own way.  I'm assigned to the city of Sabadell which is north of Barcelona and is very populated.  I haven´t seen any houses yet, only apartments (called pisos).  Our piso is apparently one of the nicest ones in the Mission. It is big and spacious and I LOVE having a huge desk.

Anyway, when we came back from the castle/fort, we went to the Mission Office and then upstairs to the piso of President and Sister Hinckley.  It´s beautiful and they have the neatest paintings/pictures of the Prophet.  There, we had a very formal and elegant lunch.

Then we went to the Church, which is just a rented space in a building.  We had a little orientation meeting and met our Companions.  My Companion´s name is Hermana Rejon from Yucatan, Mexico who doesn´t really speak English!

I thought about the phrase "Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it".  I got what I wished for: a native companion.  I was looking around the room at the other people and realized that if anyone would be the best with a native companion, (considering our Spanish skills) it would be me.  I am so grateful and it´s been a great experience.  After this transfer, or my time with her I am going to be fluent for sure!!!  Crazy!

We had a baptism Saturday!!!  Jose Maria was the man’s name and the sparkle in his eyes was so incredible. He seemed so happy.  The Church building here in Sabadell is beautiful (with a soccer field and a sand volleyball court in the back, I might add :)).

The baptism was wonderful and my companion volunteered me to play the piano.  I played "I Know That My Redeemer Lives".

Prayer is real .Heavenly Father loves us so much.  When you are lonely.... He is there to comfort you.  He is always listening to your pleas and he cares so much.

I love the words from this hymn:  "I know that my Redeemer lives.. What comfort this sweet sentence gives.   He lives. He lives who once was dead.  He lives my ever living head.  He lives to bless in time of need.  He lives to wipe away my tears.  He lives and loves me to the end."

We are so lucky to have these great hymns.


Sister Laura Johnson

Friday, March 16, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Madrid) Week-02 2012

Hello!  I am doing well!  I don´t have a lot of time :(  I only have 30 minutes!!!  I love being here already!

I attached some pictures from our trip into Madrid the other day (last Thursday P-day) I have a lot more but these are actually from another Sisters camera.  My camera is with my companion who is at the store right now!  I have better pictures that I'll send later.

We took the Metro from here in Pavones to La Puerta del Sol and visited La Plaza Mayor, the Cathedral, El Palacio Real, the gardens and went to some stores.  I did some shopping and got some shirts and post cards.

It was a great day.  We have been taking the Metro to the park almost every day to contact people.  I have had really neat experiences at the park every time we have gone.  The other day (Monday) we went to the park.  Hermana Eyre and I were talking to a man named David who did not believe in God and it was so sad to see someone who was so hardhearted and lost.  I wanted to cry for him and I told him that too.

Anyway, while we were talking to him another man stopped and asked us a question which I really didn't understand.  He said something like," Is the Church of Jesus Christ here in this park?" (…in fast Spanish) Hermana Eyre looked at me to translate and (haha) I couldn't tell her what he said.  Anyway, David answered for us and told him we didn´t know.  Then the man left.  I got a strong impression that we needed to talk to that man.  I kept my eyes on him as he walked away.  I waited for Hermana Eyre to finish bearing her testimony (or trying to...) to David even though he was so hardhearted and seemed not to be listening.

As soon as she was done I said "Bye" to David and told him good luck. Then he and his wife walked away.  I waited for him to stop looking at us and then I started SPRINTING.  Hermana Eyre was so confused and started running after me yelling, "Where are you going?  What did he say?  What are we doing?  Stop!" …haha

I kept running and yelled back to her that we HAD to find that man.  While we were running, Hermana Eyre recognized his backpack from far away.  People were giving us such funny looks, but I didn´t care!!   We ran up towards him and slowed down before we approached him so we could catch our breath.  I said "Excuse me I am so sorry we didn´t understand your question before but here we are now ready to help you."  He told us that he just moved here not too long ago from Colombia and he is looking for the church of Jesus Christ because he wants to come closer to Him.  It was incredible.  My lips were just moving and something was coming out.  The next thing I know we are sitting in the grass and almost an hour goes by and we have his information, he has a Book of Mormon, he knows where the church is located, and I asked him if he wanted to be baptized and he said yes!  Hahaha It was great!  That was one of the wonderful experiences in the park.  All of my roommates had INCREDIBLE experiences that day and it worked out perfectly for practically everyone.

This week was a very spiritual week and my testimony is stronger and I am so grateful for my MTC experience here in Madrid.  It has been so great.  I have really great pictures of my district and me and the MTC president and his wife outside the temple.  I will send them next week.

My ears are unplugged!  I am packed and we are leaving on the train tomorrow morning at 7:30 A.M. for Barcelona.  I can´t wait to get there.

We went to the temple and did initiatories and an endowment session in Spanish! ... Looove Spanish!

So sad to say bye to Hermana Marshall and all the great friends I made here; but this is it!!  I am finally headed off to my actual Mission.  Barcelona here I come!!


Hermana Johnson

Friday, March 9, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Madrid) Week-01 2012

Subject: Espana!


I still can´t believe that I am in Spain; it´s so crazy to think about how I finally made it here!

Tuesday the 28th (the day before we left) I started having a sore throat and a stuffy/runny nose.  Wednesday while on my flight, my ears hurt way bad. Got to Spain Thursday March 1st and I couldn´t hear out of both my ears because they were still plugged from the flight and my cold was getting worse.  March 2nd my ears were still plugged and I had a bad fever and cough.  The next 3 or 4 days I slept all day and all night.  I felt so bad for my companion and some other Sisters because they had to take turns staying in the room with me.  The MTC President´s wife, Sister Sitterud was super good to me and got me food (normal food) and some medicine, which didn´t help so I ended up going to the doctor.  My companion and I rode downtown with the Russian MTC teacher in his car, which was interesting.

The Russian teacher was born and raised in Texas. He went on a mission to Ukraine. He graduated from BYU and then got a job in Russia.  Then he married a girl from Spain and lives here. He speaks Spanish, English and Russian!

Downtown was very interesting: the narrow streets and tall buildings.  All the buildings are peach colored and are all apartments.  It seems like everyone lives in apartments.  The cars are small and are parked in small spaces, but it´s very neat.  I like being in a different country.

I feel a lot better now because of taking the pills I got from the doctor.  One ear is unplugged as of yesterday!!  :)  One down, one to go.  My nose is a lot better and my cough is almost gone. It is hard eating the food in the cafeteria.  It´s interesting and probably would be better if I was feeling normal.

We went to a huge park where we went contacting.  It was so neat. I really love using my Spanish and have realized how blessed I am to have a minor in it and to be able to speak.  A lot of people rely on me to translate and speak for them-how cool is that?  I have also realized how great it was to be in Rose Park in Salt Lake for almost three months!  I was speaking Spanish everyday almost all day and it has really helped me here.  I am sooo grateful that I can speak and understand!!!

The Madrid temple is so close!  There is so much I want to say but I only have a minute left (we are on the MTC schedule again-30 min emailing).  It´s hard to be in the MTC again especially after working so hard all day everyday out in the field.  I miss my bike.  …haha... I am still trying to figure out how I can take full advantage of this time I have to study everyday all day in a classroom.  I need the studying to count for something!  It´s been a little hard adjusting but I am for sure grateful how I felt the Spirit so strong everyday all day at the Provo MTC, and it´s kind of the same here!

I know that Heavenly Father loves me and is VERY AWARE of each of our individual needs.  I got super frustrated because of my sickness and my inability to function so I prayed hard and often, but it seemed the prayers weren't working, but I was able to gain humility real fast. I got a blessing and I went to the temple and we heard a wonderful devotional from Elder Holland.  I´ve been humbled and slowly I will get back to full health. I am anxious but I am grateful. Heavenly Father knows and He is watching over me.

Today we are taking the Metro again to go to downtown Madrid to do some sightseeing!!  I think next week´s pictures/email are going to be great.

My companion and I are leaving the MTC next Friday the 16th.  We also have to go down to the City Hall and sign papers and take more pictures (to apply for our residency).

Barcelona, wait for me.  I am coming. ...haha...


Hermana Johnson

Friday, March 2, 2012

Arrived in Spain March 1, 2012


I for-SURE have jet lag.  At the moment I am a walking zombie; same with the other 30 or so people that got here.  We are SO tired, and we are being forced to stay awake.  We must make it to 7:00 PM before going to sleep.

It was SO hard to say goodbye to all the people I have grown to love the past almost 3 months that I have been serving in Rose Park.

Monday we threw a super fun surprise birthday party for Hermana Harris. She was totally shocked and had no idea about it before hand. The sweet and amazing Perez family volunteered their house and Hermana Vicencio made some amazing taquitos!!!!! SO GREAT.   We got some good pictures.  Hermana Corona (The Relief Society President) even got a piƱata which we hung out outside and hit open. It was so fun!! Hermana Harris loved it so much.

Tuesday was a great day!!!!  All four of us went to teach Nestor.  He´s great and is going to get baptized in a couple of weeks. Then we all went out to eat with our district at Taco Bell. It was so much fun.  We got some good pictures and Hermana Harris got a huge cookie for her birthday (delivered to the mission office by her cousins) so she cut it into pieces so we could all have some!  Then after that the four of us went to Sister Mayberry´s house.  We had a testimony meeting.  The Spirit was so strong and tears were streaming down a lot of faces; especially Sis. Mayberry´s.  She kept saying how we were angels to her.  It was sooo neat.  We sang "Be Still My Soul" to start out (which immediately brought the Spirit and some tears) and then we ended our visit by singing "God be With You Till We Meet Again."  It was so great and of course her prayer at the end was AMAZING.  I want to be like her someday. Her testimony is so strong.  She says that we are her adopted granddaughters. :)  I love her.

After that, Hermana Marshall and I got permission to be on our own for the rest of the day!!  We made a list of whose houses we wanted to visit to say goodbye and we took great pictures and everything.  It even stopped snowing for us right when we started riding our bikes.  It was so great to visit all those people.  There were more we wanted to visit but we just didn´t have time; especially traveling on bikes where it´s not as fast as the car. (Hermanas Magdaleno and Harris were teaching).  We had the best last dinner ever that we could have ever asked for from the best cook --- I know-Julia!!  She and her sister made us homemade pupusas.  BEST THING EVER!  We got some good pictures and we love that family so much!!  Gooood memories.

We got home a little late that night and I really began feeling the head cold coming on.  Luckily I had packed most of my things that morning before personal study, but I still had a little left to do.  I definitely couldn´t sleep at all that night.  I couldn´t breathe out of my nose and there was no more Nyquil left in the house.   :( So I started to finish up packing instead.  We made it to the airport around 8-ish.  We said bye to the amazing Hermanas Magdaleno and Harris.  I love them SO MUCH. Then we bought calling cards and called our families! :)

On the flight to Atlanta I sat next to a guy named Brenden.  It was incredible the way the conversation turned.  We talked about so many things about the gospel.  I taught him the first lesson, recited the First Vision, taught him the Word of Wisdom, and the Law of Chastity and part of the Plan of Salvation.  It was soooo great!!!!  :D  He was expressing his frustrations at people who act like hypocrites; go to church on Sunday and then do other stuff during the week.  I agree that it´s super sad.  But I told him that honestly, it´s between them and God and we shouldn´t be the ones to judge.  He then brought up that his dad thinks his little 3-year old boy is going to hell because Brenden refused to get him baptized into the Catholic Church.  He expressed his concerns and opinions about it and then I said,  "I want to show you something that I think you will like"  I opened my Book of Mormon up to Moroni 8.  He loved it. :D  It was such a great conversation.  At the end I was super sad because I didn´t have a book to give to him, so I gave him a pass along card instead.

I told the other sisters about him and how great that 3-hour flight was.  My good friend Hermana Jorgenson says she has a Book of Mormon!!!  We randomly saw him at Chick Fil A and we gave it to him and I marked Moroni 8 for him. It was so great!!!! :D Best plane trip ever.

We finally got on the flight to Madrid.  I was sooo long and I wasn´t able to sleep much because I am sick.  My ears are still plugged too :(  I sat next to a Swedish guy.  He lives on the island Majorca, off of Spain in the winters and lives in Sweden in the summers and always visits his son in Florida.  He was super nice and friendly but said he wasn´t interested to hear my message.  Oh well.

We got here this morning at 9:00 AM.  It´s already March 1st!!!  What?!  We like skipped a day or something.  GORGEOUS warm weather today.  I am not even wearing tights!  Love it!!!  So pretty.  Will be here until March 16th.  The new MTC Mission President is super nice. It’s great to be here just a super weird transition from being in the field working all day with people and now back to the MTC schedule. We get to go to the temple next Thursday.  GORGEOUS and SO CLOSE.  I will send pictures next time.

Love you,
