Sunday, December 30, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-07 2012

What a week! It has been quite a change going from sending another missionary home, to training a new one but I am grateful to do it and I have been really enjoying it. I am learning something new every day. The extra hour of studying and not eating with the members for mediodia has been a little tough but I am getting used to it. Our studies sessions for the mornings have been going really well. We have been running to each cita that we have so that we can make good first impressions and not be late.  I am grateful that Hermana Rivera has a ton of energy and enthusiasm for the work. We are very similar and we know how to work hard together. We are perfect for each other. It has been a bit difficult getting to know the area and the members. Together we are learning the power of prayer and the importance of relying on the Lord. As a result of extra prayers this week, we have been seeing lots of miracles. The Lord´s hands are in this work and we are His servants.
A recent miracle is about a convert named Maria Rosa. She lives with her 7 year old son and her father.  Her daughter (who lives in Ecuador) and her got baptized, but her Dad is not a member. We first met him at our Ward Christmas party on Friday night. We walked into the piso with intentions to talk to Maria Rosa and share with her a Christmas Mormon message. Before starting the video, we invited her father to join us. He said no and went outside to smoke. We watched the video and as I started to talk about it afterwards she interrupted me, stood up, and opened the door calling to her father to join us. After a couple of minutes, he came in and we watched the video again. His heart was softened and he loved the video. We talked about it afterwards and I invited him to church. His grandson started begging him to come to church with them. Maria Rosa was in tears sitting behind him. He said that he would go to his Catholic church like usual and that they can go to their Mormon church. The grandson was sad and Maria Rosa told him not to lose hope that someday grandpa would join them at church. We left them with a prayer and as we were walking out the door, Maria Rosa grabbed me and gave me a tight hug thanking us for coming and not giving up. It was a very special experience. Afterwards I hugged Hermana Rivera and bore testimony to her that we are truly called as disciples and servants of the Lord. Sometimes we don´t even have to say anything, just our presence makes a difference in a home. It is incredible the Spirit we carry as long as we are being obedient. It was a really special miracle.
The most recent convert is a 13 year old boy named Alexis. Hermana Farrell and Hermana Mancera helped him get baptized. It was neat because Hermana Farrell´s last Sunday there Alexis passed the sacrament for the first time. Hermana Farrell almost started crying and it was a special moment to see his progression in the church. We will visit him this week to continue with lesson 5.
Something that we are working on and repenting of is getting into the house by 10 o clock. It is tough! But as we sprint home, we can see the blessings as the Spirit is stronger in our nightly planning sessions and we are better prepared for the next day. At times I feel like we are offending the members as we quickly run out of their house, but at the same time they can see that obedience is something very important to us and they can take us more seriously as missionaries knowing that we are obedient.
We have been watching many District videos this last week to help us learn to be "Preach My Gospel" missionaries. We have been contacting more as a result of following the Spirit. We have been working hard on better our planning sessions-nightly and weekly. We have been putting goals to help stretch us and strengthen our faith.
We have really seen the help of the Spirit as a result of our obedience and following the suggestions and examples from the District videos.
Merry Christmas!
Love, Hermana Johnson
with Hermanas Walker & Ferrell

Ward Christamas Party with Roman Family

Teaching members country dance at Hospitalet Ward Christmas Party

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-06 2012

Dear Family,
There is so much to tell you and not enough time. Today I am especially rushed because of everything that has been going on.
Mom, I got your package thank you very much!!! I LOVED everything!!! Concerning my package to send home...I am worried it won´t get there in time for Christmas because I don´t know when I will have time to send it off.
I thought for sure that they would close the Hermana´s area of Hospitalet second Ward and that I would switch to Hospitalet first Ward and "kill" another missionary-Hermana they did close the Hermana´s area and they took Hermana Farrell out. Now I am in the first Ward and I am training a new missionary!!! How exciting right?!
We were supposed to be working in both areas (the both Wards´ boundaries) but because it was Hermana Walker´s last week there were many people to visit and many things for her to do before leaving. I am very used to this process because I went through it with Hermana Reeder.
Anyway, we had the second Ward Christmas party, which was neat. It started out with a talent show and there were a lot of neat talents-I have some videos. Hermana Walker and I taught everyone how to line dance to the song "Cotton Eyed Joe."  People LOVED it! They thought it was so funny. We even taught them how to say "yee haw". At church on Sunday people would come up to us and say it at random times haha. After the dance, we had a dinner.
Then another day we went to a birthday party of an investigator and had was wonderful!
On Friday or Sat. (can't remember) we got the transfers phone call. I then found out that I would be training a new Hermana.
On Sunday, I went to the first Ward´s Sacrament meeting (my new Ward) and introduced myself and set up some appointments and then I went to the second Ward´s Sacrament meeting for the last time. I still have appointments with some people from the second Ward...Anyway, Hermana Farrell was companions with a member as she stayed in the first Wards´ meetings and had my planner and made appointments for me all week...I have a packed week!! I am nervous because I have to figure out where I am going and who these people are..haha Oh well...
Then we met with Elder Tirado and Elder Shiflet our Zone Leaders, also in the second Ward with us and gave them our area books and told them about our investigators. They are taking over our old area and taking our cell phone...
It is kind of complicated, I don´t know if you followed all of that....welcome to my life...hahah
Overall, I am VERY EXCITED. I like challenges and I am so excited to train this new Hermana, who is super cute.
er name is Hermana Rivera, who was born in Argentina but moved here to Elche (close to Valencia) when she was 11 years old. I am excited to work with her and train her. I haven´t really done the the 12 week training program myself, so I am excited to do it and I have to be a lot more obedient and reliant on the Lord. It is going to be great!!! Like starting my mission all over again!!  Just pray for me please. I know things will work out. She is excited and President Pace really, really trusts me. I need to tell you some of the things he said about me in front of a lot of people. He is very sweet and very good at giving compliments...
I have to go because we are going to singing with the Angels in Plaza Catalunya because Hermana Walker and two other missionaries are leaving. I love you and hope to send the package soon. Hope Bry Bry has an amazing birthday this weekend.
Love, Laura
With Sis. Walker at "Singing with the Angels" Goodbye to her

Missionary Transfer Board in Mission Office

New Jr. Companion Hermana Revera in Mission Office

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-05 2012

Here is a copy of some of the letter from President Pace in our weekly newsletter:

"Queridos el misioneros El Faro, In his recent tour of our mission, Elder Richards spent considerable time discussing the importance of teaching. As you may recall, he mentioned that in Europe we achieve the following on a weekly basis: New Investigators 3,000 Investigators in Sac. Meeting 2,500 Investigators with fechas 1,500 Baptisms 150 Elder Richards drew our attention to the big discrepancy between the number of people in Sacrament Meeting and those that eventually get baptized. He taught us how to teach the discussions using simple words. He encouraged us to NOT complicate the teaching process. Many of you have already tried to put this into practice. I am pleased that you are doing so, and seeing much success. In Chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel, we are taught: Our purpose is to teach the message of the restored gospel in such a way as to allow the Spirit to direct both the missionaries and those being taught.  The missionary should feel free to use his own words as prompted by the Spirit.  The Holy Ghost will bear witness of the truth of our message as we teach simply, clearly, and bear testimony of the gospel truths."
This sure has been a wild week...but we are getting through it. It has been tough going from a companionship of two and suddenly changing into a trio (Hermana Mancera left) but we are figuring it out. It has been an interesting situation that is for sure. I have been studying a lot in Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel about the Christ-like attributes. My whole mission I have been working on and learning about charity. As soon as I feel like I have a better grasp of what it is and how I can obtain it, Heavenly Father throws me a curve ball. I am very grateful for every curve ball and lesson that I have been receiving. This week I have been focusing on patience and humility. Those are two difficult attributes to obtain but I have had plenty of opportunities to better myself in those aspects. I truly feel blessed for these experiences I am having.
A miracle story from this week was when we contacted a referral from a member. The lady and her husband are coming back to church and we went to visit them a couple weeks. We gave them a lesson with their cousin there, also. (She is always so good at inviting everyone at home to join in on our lessons). We had to cancel the next visit because we were sick. The three of us finally met with him and it was great!  He had already started reading the Book of Mormon. We had a great lesson 0 and amazing discussions about the world and how the church and the gospel help us in our lives today. We invited him to be baptized and he said alright but that he wants to learn more first.  The most amazing part was probably that he doesn´t smoke, drink, or does drugs. He is so prepared!
We are trying to figure out how to best use our time with all the work we have in the two areas now. We have prayerfully made priority lists so that we can make sure we visit the people we need to visit first and then fill up 5 back up plans...because we definitely have enough work available for five back up plans. We are just taking it one day at a time. I am relying on the Lord more than ever during these moments and I have felt his loving arms wrapped around me. It´s incredible just how much he is aware of us and our needs. I am grateful to be a part of his work here in Hospitalet and to be a part of this companionship for this week.
We will receive the phone call on Friday or Saturday about transfers. There are two Hermanas going home and two Hermanas coming in. Apparently, there are 16 missionaries from our mission waiting for their Visas to enter Spain, sound familiar? So, President Pace will have to close some areas for the Hermanas because there won´t be enough. We think that he will close my area and then I will be Hermana Farrell´s companion and then send her home in February...and then train someone for my last transfer...because there are already two Elders in our Ward, plus us, and most of the members live in their area. Plus, there is a lot of work to be done in the other Hermanas' area in the other Ward and they are the only missionaries in that Ward.
We had Zone Conference on Thursday, which was so good!!!  I look up to Pres. Pace and his wife so much. We had an amazing testimony meeting. I bore my testimony about the Christ-like attributes and how important it is for us to be more like Him.
Then my favorite part of the whole day was when we did the Christmas devotional.
The ayudantes put together this incredible slide show of all the baptisms we have had in the mission. They had us email all of our baptismal pictures to them so that they could put it together. I loved seeing all of my pictures that I sent in and I even got a little emotional. Miracles happen. Every person is special in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. We are lucky to be missionaries and to help these people be saved. It´s incredible, and I can´t wait to see that slideshow again....maybe it´s on the mission blog???? I don´t know.
They wrote up a script of quotes and scriptures about Jesus´ birth and life with hymns added in there every so often according to the quotes. So we each took a turn (everyone in the Zone) reading a paragraph and then we would sing the songs where we were supposed to. It strengthened my testimony of the Savior. I am so grateful for the Savior and all that He is done for me. As we invite people to be baptized we ask them the question, "What better gift could you give to the Savior then by following his example and entering the waters of baptism?" We have had pretty neat experiences with this.
What gift will you give to Christ this Christmas? That is an interesting question to think about and I have plenty of answers for myself as I have pondered this topic.
I know that He lives and that He loves us. I just want to do everything right and be obedient so that I can show the love I have for him. He has done so much for me.
Keep moving forward with faith in Him.
I love you.
Love, Laura
Area Conference in Barcelona

Found Graffiti - (she didn't do it--haha)

Christmas time in Hospitalet

Christmas lights

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-04 2012

I know that my Redeemer lives. I am so grateful for His atoning sacrifice for me. He is my older brother and my best friend. He suffered for me and knows exactly how I feel during the hardest times and the best times. He is the only one who knows. I am glad that we are never alone; He is always there with us with arms wide open waiting for us to come unto Him. He is very aware of us and our needs. He suffered for our sins, so that we can be forgiven and progress in life. We can never stray too far from the path. His Atoning power is available to all. There is always hope for something better. We can always be better. He helps us become the people Heavenly Father wants us to be. When we follow Christ´s example, we are happier and receive more blessings. It is our choice whether we want to be happy or sad in this life. To be happy, we need to follow Heavenly Father´s commandments and then we´ll see the blessings.
I also know without a doubt that Joseph Smith was a prophet. The First Vision was real. The priesthood power was restored on this earth so that we could participate in saving ordinances. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the earth today. We have a living prophet named Thomas S. Monson who leads and guides the church today. The Book of Mormon is the word of God-another testament of Jesus Christ and it brings one closer of Him. I love it! I love this work. I know these things to be true and I say them in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Hermana Laura Eve Johnson

This week started out as a good week and then it got a little rough as I got food poisoning Thursday morning and then my companion, Hermana Walker, got food poisoning Friday. We laid in bed until Sunday when we finally got up to go to church. We prayed hard that we would have the strength to make it to church and to work the rest of the day. After I took the sacrament during the last hour of church, I just got a burst of energy that lasted throughout the rest of the day as well as Hermana Walker. We were able to work hard the rest of the day and we ended it strong. As soon as we got home, we crashed from lack of energy and nutrition. It was a big testimony to me that this is the Lord´s work and he will use us accordingly to bring it to pass. We needed to see the people that we saw and to help the people we helped. It was amazing-a true miracle.
With Hermana Walker's great example, it is getting easier for me to contact people that we see.
Before we got sick we set 3 amazing fechas for December 15 but only one of them came to church. Sunday night we set another amazing fecha for the 15th-totally prepared woman who has come to church several times. Her name is Patricia and is originally from Ecuador and is the mother of 2 recent convert teenagers. She has been to church many times but never felt ready to be baptized. She came to church yesterday! Then we had a great lesson with her and showed her this neat DVD called, "Reflections of Christ." She loved it and we invited her to finally be baptized as a gift to give to Christ for Christmas. We are praying hard for her so that she can make her decision!
The other fecha´s name is Maria, originally from the Dominican Republic. She had the lessons in the beginning of this year but doesn´t remember much. We taught her then she came to church for the first time and liked it and wants to return.  She is going out of town this week, so we hope we don't lose her.
A really neat experience was last night with a recent convert-a 10 year old girl named Dafne. She is an incredible example for her aunt and the other women that she lives with. Her mom is in Switzerland looking for work. Her mom is a less active member and wanted the missionaries to teach her. Dafne was baptized towards the beginning of this year. She is so smart and just finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time (she started around February when she got baptized). Last night we visited her and read some of the Book of Mormon where she is at in Moroni. Then Hermana Walker was sweet and gave her an old mission skirt and Dafne loved it. We then watched the "Reflections of Christ" DVD and Dafne then gave us the biggest hug. She is normally shy and doesn´t express her feelings much but she started saying just how grateful she was for our visits and that she always looked forward to seeing us. It was really a neat experience that warmed my heart.
Today Hermana Walker and I went to this huge mall to take our Christmas pictures in front of this huge Christmas tree and these people walked up to us asking, in English, if we were missionaries. They just got off a cruise ship! A family from Utah-how exciting right?! They treated us to lunch at a restaurant in the mall. It was so great talking to people from the United States in English. It was just great to be in that culture again. They were very sweet.
Anyway, I love you. Thanks for the emails Mom. I will let you know when I get the package and thanks for sending it!!! Also, thank Tiff for me for the email.
Have a good week. I love you and miss you.
Love, Laura

Unusual "Hospilet" sign

Having lunch with cruise ship (LDS) people

Us with Dafne

Taken at local shopping

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-03 2012

Wow. Another week in Hospitalet went by really slow probably because I am trying to get used to the new area still.  I used to tease Hermana Jorgensen about being so tired and even falling asleep in lessons in I am the one being tired and almost falling asleep in lessons. I think it is just because of change and transitioning. I am grateful that this area is small and is not too hard to learn. We walk most of the time so I don´t have to memorize any bus routes or anything. I only have to memorize street names and metro stops which is super easy. I am also surprised that there is not as much Catalan than I thought there would be here. I am in Catalunya now instead of Aragon, but I think because of the area we are working in, I mostly feel like I am in South America because of all the South Americans here!  Also, they ALL want to feed us. I have never been fed so much food before in my´s rough. I am trying to learn tricks on how to not eat as much. We often try to ask for a box to take extra food home(they seem to not have plastic containers). It´s an interesting culture. Everywhere we go we are always offered some kind of cookies, crackers, and juice or soda. NEVER WATER. And the cookies and crackers are Spain style-which is fine..but different. Anyway, needless to say I miss eating what I want in my piso back in Zaragoza. I barely go grocery shopping and eat at home now. When I do eat at home, Hermana Mancera always cooks. She is from Venezuela and moved here to Malaga when she was 12.  It´s good, but it is also a lot...haha it´s just their culture. Anyway, it's different from Zaragoza...The other day we ate with a Spaniard family! I love eating the Spaniard food (don´t worry Mom, the Spaniard Mormon families really clean up the food before they feed us because they know we are in a foreign country and in a different culture-so don´t worry too much about that octupus thing! Olga insisted that it was fine and I never got sick from it so that´s good). I am grateful and these people are so sweet. They don´t have much to begin with and then when you visit they are so sweet and give you all they have. Always giving and always caring.
Haha anyway...
Speaking of Zaragoza...I talked to my former comp, Hermana Jorgensen this morning. She says that Pres Wolfart is still in the hospital and they still don´t know what´s wrong with him! :( Please pray for him and his family. Also, my recent convert, Engracia, accidently spilled boiling water on her and has third degree burns all over her stomach and legs!!! How horrible! The whole Branch is helping her out around the house and visiting her. Please keep her in your prayers as well. Thank you.
Please let me know when the package gets there. It is full of letters and there are two t-shirts for Jasmine and Bryanna (I hope they fit). You can decide whether to give them to them for Christmas or now. I also have great Christmas presents for everyone on the way!
Happy late Thanksgiving! How was it?! It is like it didn´t exist this year because we actually were fasting and of, course it's not a Spanish holiday!
The time is sure flying by fast. I can´t believe that Thanksgiving came and left and Christmas is just around the corner. It sure is tough sending off another missionary but I pray often and receive strength to help her, me, and the area. It is an interesting situation.
With the increase of missionaries, President Pace says that some missionaries will have to train two sisters at one time! I wonder when this will will be interesting to see...I personally think it will be super exciting-for sure tough but I am so excited to think about all of the missionaries that will be joining us :) These are the last days and the Lord needs all the help he can get from his worthy children. We really are armies of Helaman bringing the world his truth, it seems. Something that is different in this area is how much we need to contact people on the streets and in the metros. In Zaragoza, we got referrals all the time. People were calling us wanting to hear about the gospel. Here we need to approach people. It´s different for sure and I am learning to come out of my comfort zone. Hermana Walker is amazing at contacting. She has no fear and never gets embarrassed-a great companion and example for me. We work well together, so far.
Hermana Walker asked me what my favorite part about being a missionary is. I told her that I love the relationships that I am making and influencing peoples´ lives for the better. I love being a representative of Christ and helping people feel of His love through me. I love listening to peoples´ stories. Everyone has their own stories, opinions, and ways of thinking. Peoples´ stories are incredible. I feel so blessed to have the life I lead, the family I have, and to be the person I am especially with the knowledge of the gospel in my life. I am really learning about patience and charity. I think those are the two attributes of Christ that I have really studied during my time as a missionary. I have realized that everyone likes to have a listener and everyone likes to feel loved. If we can figure out how to achieve those two goals with everyone that we come in contact with, we will be successful missionaries and good brothers and sisters to all because we are all of God´s children here on this earth together. Really that is what everyone needs-a friend and to feel loved. Sometimes it is harder than it seems but I know that it is possible and it is worth it in the end.
This is copied from Hermana Walker´s email:
We saw so many miracles this week. We had a lesson with a Spanish man who claims to be an atheist.  He read over 50 pages of the BOM!!!  We asked him if he would say a prayer that night to ask God if He was there and is real.  He said out of curiosity he would.  As we testified to him the spirit was so strong!!  We felt it and we knew as we looked into his eyes he felt it.  It was the best lesson ever!  He excepted a visit back, we are really excited to teach him tonight and invite him to be baptized.   Afterwards Hermana Johnson got in the elevator and just gave me this huge hug and then we said a prayer of thanks. 
This week was a good week. We are trying to find new investigators! We have looked through antiguos and tried calling a lot but their phone numbers were wrong or turned off. So, we are continuing and trying to find the elect and prepared people! We also have been visiting many members so that I can get to know them and we always ask for referrals. A few of them have taken our pass along cards to give to their friends and we have received referrals but none for our area. We also carry with us everyday two Books of Mormon to give to people who we feel inspired to talk to. We have had pretty amazing experiences but for some reason it is tough to find these people again-they are never home or they never answer their phone. We have faith that the Lord will bless our efforts.
A miracle story this week was one that followed my miracle story last week. We contacted that lady where the keys dropped from the upper building on the rope...well we got a random phone call a few days later from a man named Oscar. When we met with him we discovered that his Mom was the lady I contacted at the door where the keys were lowered on the rope the week before. Oscar is 23 years old and so prepared! We had an amazing lesson  with him and he was excited to start reading the Book of Mormon. Even his Mom joined in and they were so excited to learn how to pray. It was amazing. We were blessed with a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel to people who were searching. Unfortunately, neither of them came to church after much effort, but we do have a cita with him tonight and we will invite him to be baptized.
Another miracle story is that we finally got a hold of an antiguo investigator, named Daisy. We had a very intense lesson with her, her young adult son, and his friend. We taught lesson 1 with more detail that I have ever given since being on the mission because of all the questions that her son asked! It was an interesting conversation and sometimes hard to speak. But the Spirit was the strongest when I recited the First Vision. Every time I recite the First Vision in a lesson I am touched and my testimony is strengthened so much of the reality of what happened in that arboleda and the impact this had on history and on our lives. The Spirit was strong in the room at that moment, but people have their agency and sometimes choose to harden their hearts. Something that I have learned is that our efforts as missionaries are never worthless. Even if we think no one is opening their hearts and listening, Heavenly Father is always aware of our efforts and he will bless us accordingly. Even if the Spirit didn´t touch the son´s heart (or he was in denial over it), it touched his Mom´s heart-enough for her to surprise us and show up for the first time at Sacrament meeting! She enjoyed it and we hope she will come back.
It's a challenge contacting Spaniards. Out of every 10 or so that we contact a day 1 or 2 actually take a pass along card. We are brainstorming different ways to approach them and different things to say.
Also, this week we had a huge conference with Elder Richards who is in the Area Seventy and is in charge of the Missions in this part of Europe. It was a wonderful conference and we were deeply enriched on Tuesday from 1:30-6!  A lot of sitting but a lot of revelation received. I think one of my favorite pieces of advice was him telling us how we need to try to teach our lessons simple, yet powerful.  As missionaries sometimes we get into the habit of saying the same things over and over again to teach certain principles. We try to be sensitive to the persons´ needs and questions but we also get too comfortable explaining things a certain way. While we practiced teaching in the meeting, it made me realize how much I repeat myself and how much I need to change my teaching habits. It was interesting. I think another favorite part about the Mission is learning about myself. I have learned a lot and about who I want to be when I go home...We Sisters met with Sister Richards. It was really good but I missed a lot because I was busy translating for Hermana Mancera...tough! It´s hard to translate when people speak so quickly, but I could feel the Lord helping me and I knew Hermana Mancera appreciated it-as well as Hermana Farrell. She was a little stressed thinking about how she needed to translate so I volunteered to do it instead.
Anyway, that is the news from this last week. I love you and hope all is well.
Love, Laura
With Hna Mancera, Hna Walker, Hna Ferrell in Hospitalet

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-02 2012

This week has been a great week getting to know the city of Hospitalet and the Ward members, which are amazing!  I have never been offered so much food before on my mission! They are so loving and welcoming. They love the missionaries and it is great to be with them. It has been perfect for us to get into their homes so they can get to know me, the "new missionary." They have gone through a lot of hard times, but what I have learned is that the majority of them have such amazing optimistic attitudes. They just move forward in life with faith and their testimonies. It is a privilege to be here and to serve them.
It is also a privilege to be with Hermana Walker, and she is an amazing example to me. She is a hard worker and my favorite thing about her is her contacting skills. She is SO good at contacting people on the streets! We each have been taking a Book of Mormon with us as we leave the house and we pray that we will find people to give the books to. We pray that we can find the elect and ready people.
It was raining and kind of dreary outside one day---not many people were out on the streets. We had a neat experience as we were waiting for an investigator to answer their door. A lady came up and we started talking to her just asking how her day was. I was looking for a perfect opportunity to give her my Book of Mormon. I started testifying of the truths of the gospel and then out of the corner of my eye I see a rope being lowered and keys at the end of it. They hung there for a while and then started going back up. Then I realized that they were for her. So then I told her and she grabbed them off the rope real quick and then it went back up to the piso window where it came from. I was laughing so hard! I had never seen anything like that before. I laughed so hard which made her laugh and it lightened up the tension and we had a connection. I gave her the book and told her that it has changed my life. I told her that it´s my most prized possession. She was so flattered. She was so excited to take the book and she thanked me multiple times. We have a cita set up with her later this week. But, it was just neat how much laughter and smiling can change the mood. The Spirit can radiate stronger when we have a smile on our face and when we love the work.
I also feel privileged to be sharing the piso with Hermana Mancera and Hermana Farrell. They are amazing!!!!!! I am learning so much from them and I feel really close to them. We do need to speak more Spanish in the piso-I personally would like to improve that. I often tell Hermana Mancera this and apologize to her that we don´t speak enough Spanish. She is so sweet though and always says, "no pasa nada, necesito aprender el mi meta." So we are helping her and she has such a good attitude about it! We taught an English class in the church building on Saturday and we taught directions. We did it in a fun and memorable way, enough for Hermana Mancera to record all of it in her journal! It was a really neat experience. I also love Hermana Farrell. She has taught me so much and I look up to her a lot. We have had amazing conversations and it is exciting to be involved in the work of the Lord with these great girls.
I feel very blessed to be here. There's a lot that I need to improve in myself, but I am grateful for the interactions and relationships I am forming because everyone has influenced my life in some way for the better.
Overlooking Barcelona

Overlooking Barcelona

In a cave - Barcelona

Looking outside of apartment balcony in Hospitalet

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Hospitalet) Week-01 2012

I now have been transferred to L'Hospitalet, which is located southwest of Barcelona!

Something interesting is that I was in Sabadell 2nd Ward, Zaragoza 2nd Branch, and now I am in Hospitalet 2nd Ward!
And something historical just happened here in the Spain Barcelona Mission!  Earlier today, the Hospitalet Stake was divided and the Lleida Stake was created, which will be the eleventh Stake in Spain. Our Mission now has five Stakes of Zion.  Every square meter of our Mission is now included either in the Barcelona, Hospitalet, Lleida, Valencia, Vitoria Stakes, or the Baleares District.  It is exciting to see the church growing dramatically in the Spain Barcelona Mission. Thanks to the Missionaries of El Faro, having faith, obedience, and diligence, that made this growth a reality. After nine years of devoted service, Luis Rodriguez was released as Hospitalet Stake President and his former counselor, Fernan Silvestre, was sustained as the new Hospitalet Stake President. The units in the Hospitalet Stake now include; Cornellá, Hospitalet 1, Hospitalet 2, Martorell, Tarragona, and Vilafranca(which is a Ward now!)  Jose Luis Hernandez is the first Stake President of the Lleida Stake. The units of the Lleida Stake are; Andorra, Lleida, Sabadell 1, Sabadell 2, Terrassa, Zaragoza 1, and Zaragoza 2. And now Zaragoza 1 is a Ward!  We've reached our goal of 600 baptisms in 2012, also!!
Here in Hospitalet there are two Hermanas in the Ward and two Elders, which are our Zone Leaders; and one just happens to be Elder Tirado. ...haha.  He will be in my District my whole time here in Spain! (except during the 5 weeks I served in Sabadell)
He is the one I mentioned a while ago that will be the Weber State University Mascot in Utah after his Mission. (lucky, he has a full scholarship).
Anyway, here I am in Hospitalet.  I was here before with Hermana Reeder when she had to get her fingerprints done back in September. Then, I met some of the members and they remember me!  The Hermanas just got a new piso here which is great! (The old one was terrible.)  So I am serving right here close to Barcelona!  I will be taking the Metro everywhere; no more bus riding which will be really different and will be doing a lot of walking.  The weather here is better than in Zaragoza, it's not as cold and doesn't have the crazy wind.  I am not too far away from the Mission home and the Mission office, which is exciting because I will be able to see the Paces more.
My new address is:
Rambla Badal 28-30   8,3   esc A
08014 Barcelona, Spain
or you can still send things to the Mission office and I will get them a lot quicker because I am so close now!
calle calatrava 10-12 bajos
08017 Barcelona, Spain

My new companion is Hermana Marissa Walker from Las Vegas, Nevada. She and her companion Hermana Cozzolino were from Pamplona and stayed with us for 2 ½ weeks during the festival and running of the bulls there. (also Hermana Walker served in Zaragoza last year for a few months). So, now we're companions here in Hospitalet. She has been with Hermana Stephenson (my first comp. in Zaragoza!)  So I took Hermana Stephenson´s place. Anyway, Hermana Walker is going home this transfer! I am "killing" another missionary! It will be interesting; I was hoping that I wouldn´t have to send home another one again; and I am almost positive that I will "die" here (stay here until the end of my mission-until March). But, it will be good, hard again but good. There is a reason for everything and the Lord knows where I need to be.
In my piso also are Hermana Farrell and Hermana Mancera and I will tell you more about them in the future.
It was a fast and interesting transfer. The next one will be in five weeks because they don´t want to do transfers on Christmas day and the one after will be seven weeks. So Hermana Walker´s parents are coming to get her on the 17th and they will tour around the Mission, including Zaragoza. It will be interesting to see what our short time together will be like!
This last week was one of the best weeks of my Mission. It was amazing. Hermana Jorgensen has helped change my life for the better and it was inspiration for us to have been together. I have learned so much from her. She knows so much about the gospel and she has such a strong testimony. I will miss her so much.
Dulce is really amazing and her baptism was so great!  She has a lot of faith and is progressing well in the church. Everyone was sad that she couldn´t come to the conference yesterday because she had other things going on.
The relationships with the Zaragoza members were so great and they were so good to us by feeding us and helping us when they could. It was a miracle the way everything worked out and I know Hermana Jorgensen and Hermana Cruz will do really well there keeping the momentum going. I will miss it a lot-my heart is there in Zaragoza-but I am looking forward to working in my new area with my new companion.
One thing that really helped our relationships with the members was when we all took the bus up to Cornella for Stake conference and to hear the announcement of the new Stake in Lleida. We had amazing conversations with them and really got to know them better. It took four hours to get there and four hours back!  A long time to be in a bus, but it was wonderful!
Also, we had the opportunity to visit many members´ homes so I could say good bye. This really helped Hermana Jorgensen get to know people better and she was able to set up future citas with some of them so they could get to know Hermana Cruz. The future will be great in Zaragoza and I am happy to see it progressing.  It was an incredible experience that has changed my life.
This is a little part from my email to Hermana Reeder (who actually ran into Sister Jarman (Tori) when she was traveling.  I had told her about Tori and she took a picture with her and sent it to me J)
Please pray for Pres and Sis Wolfart.  Pres Wolfart is in the hospital and the doctors still don´t know what he has L it’s been a month and he can't walk very well and is losing feeling in his feet and hands!)
Before I left Zaragoza, I made a journal and had everyone write in it. It is beautiful and thick!  I can’t wait to show it to you and describe all these people and what they mean to me in my life and how they have helped me become the person I am today. I will have to translate the letters for you.
Also, I got a lot of gifts!  People are so sweet.  Even though they don´t have a lot of money they are so caring and have so much love and give so much. I got scarves, a beanie, a bracelet, earrings, purses, etc.  But most important to me are pictures with them and their letters in my journal.
It was a bitter sweet experience saying bye.  It was hard.
I love you. I will talk to you soon.
Love, Laura
Laura with Zaragoza Branch Pres. Gomez and his wife Resa

Arriving in Barcelona at train station with new companion Hna. Walker, old companion Zaragoza Hna Stephensen & Zone Leaders

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Zaragoza) Week-28 2012

This is my last week in Zaragoza! I am so sad! BUT so many good things happened last week and so many great things will happen this week.  It has been an unforgettable experience. Zaragoza and these people will always hold a special place in my heart. I am excited for you to meet them next year and to see this wonderful city. I have learned a lot here and have grown up a lot...that is for sure.
Thank you so much for emailing me! I loved your emails-Mom, Dad, and Uncle Bruce. I appreciate them and your support and love.
Sorry for the multiple emails sending all of the pictures. I want to make sure I can get a picture with everyone!! And we have a lot of meal appointments this week as I say good-bye to these wonderful people.
On Tuesday we had a referral from our great Branch mission leader, Sergio. We went into the piso where they had their own sewing company/business. We were a little hesitant because we were hoping that they weren´t thinking that we were there for the business. It was so interesting. They were making nice coats. But, it turned out to be a success. We talked to the man Carlos and found out that his brother is a Bishop in Venezuela!
We also visited with our recent converts, Happy, Kate, and Maria. They are all amazing. Their faith is strong despite the trials that they go through in their lives and somehow they always have smiles on their faces. They are good examples to me.
On Wednesday, we missed our train in the morning and then we almost missed the second train going to Lleida! Ha...But we made it and we did the long walk with the Elders to the church building. We had a great Zone training meeting which got us pumped up, (Elder Tirado dressed up like a stripling warrior).  The Spirit was strong and we really felt that this is really the second harvest and that we as a mission can baptize 600 people this year (right now we are at 409).
Later, we had a meeting with Sergio and planned for Dulce´s baptism on Saturday. Then we went to Nicole and Rubens, where we ate and watched them play on the wii just a dance game to Halloween songs. It was fun. I LOVE THAT FAMILY so much!
On Thursday we visited with Dulce in the morning...she´s so great and so prepared. Who do you meet that does not smoke, drink alcohol, coffee or tea?! NO ONE! It´s amazing. Then we went to visit Lorena and Paco. They are amazing. Paco is the Young Men´s president in the Branch and is in the military and works on tanks. His wife, Lorena is originally from Argentina. Their families are both converts to the church. Paco served his mission here a few years ago when Pres. Wadell (from San Diego) was Mission President. And Paco´s Zone leader was Carlos Augustin (the second counselor in our Branch presidency!). Anyway, they are a bit less active.  We had a wonderful meal together and shared with them that there is a reason why they have trials and that they can get through them with the help of the Savior. We invited them to church. They are always so thankful for our visits and tell us that they really feel a strong spirit when we visit them. Just wish they were more active in church.
When we left Hermana Jorgensen and I were talking about how as Sister missionaries, we have different roles then the Elders and sometimes don´t realize the power and the influence we have on people. It´s amazing to bring a little light to others and help them in whatever way we can. It is a special opportunity and a blessing we have and I love it and really appreciate it.
While we were waiting for the bus to go back into town, I recognized this Chinese man who was on the bus earlier so I decided to talk to him. He doesn´t speak much Spanish...does NOT speak English...but I was able to say the few phrases that I knew in Chinese. He has a wife and a seventeen year old son. His face lit up when I started saying the few Chinese phrases that I know. I wish I knew more and that I would have learned more of the language while attending the Chinese Branch for so long. L  I showed him a picture of my family. He smiled and was very nice. When he got off the bus he smiled and said good-bye.
That night we went to the Church´s house and then to the Chacon´s house to eat and then to the Halloween party the other Branch had.
Friday I got a phone call from Hermana Rejon, my trainer in Sabadell. She told me that there was a tragic accident there with some of the people we had been working with. Three died in a house fire, and the son is in the hospital, his legs burnt and the Step Dad just got out of the hospital. SO SAD. I loved that family so much. It was hard to hear that news. I will explain more details time.
Then we went to the Young Adult activity to help translate for the Church's. They did an amazing presentation about how our life is 90% of what happens to us and 10% of how we choose to deal with it. We can have success if we try to make the best out of our situations in life.  What a blessing it is to be in the presence of Elder and Hermana Church. They are amazing examples of people who have really been successful in all aspects of their lives.
Saturday was Dulce´s baptism, she was so happy and it was incredible! I think I played the piano the best I have ever done so far on my mission!  All of these amazing people showed up to support her and it was my last baptism in Zaragoza so I was hoping it would be the best. Hermana Jorgensen, Elders Spencer and Oliveira and I all sang acapella the song "Lord I Would Follow Thee". It was so good and the spirit was so strong. J
Sunday was the best Sunday I have ever had on my mission. A less active family that I have been working with during my whole time here in Zaragoza came to church! It was a miracle! Also, Javier bore his testimony and shared about his bus experience about when he prayed that a Sister missionary would sit next to him and then I did. It was incredible. It brought tears to our eyes. So many people bore their testimonies that there was actually a line! That never happens. AND we went overtime, which never happens!  Lots of children bore their testimonies, which never happens. A lot of people talked about perseverance and how the Lord answers prayers. They were amazing. I bore my testimony about how the Lord is our light in the wilderness and even during hard times the light can be there for us.  There were a lot of investigators that showed up. The most amount of people I have ever seen attend church! It was a miracle!! I love being here.
Oh, I just want to tell you all the details of EVERYTHING. But I don´t have time. And I need to take more time to write in my journal to record all of these amazing experiences.
Thanks for being there and supporting me.
Love, Laura

Dulce Monteiro baptism & her daughter

Javier - Larua's contact on a bus in Zaragoza

Printing with artist of Laura's favorite street in Zaragoza - Calle Alfonso

Relief Society President Beatrice & Niece

Young Men's President Paco with wife Lorena

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Barcelona Mission: (Zaragoza) Week-27 2012

I like the Marvin Goldstein CD and thank you for all the tissues and NyQuil/DayQuil you sent. It was much needed because now I am sick! I think it´s the sudden change of weather and probably being so busy and eating too much sugar. Ever since Hermana Jorgenson came I have been eating more and exercising less. L  I am determined to change that and get back into the swing of things. I have been in bed resting lately and I can´t breathe out of my nose and I kind of have a sore throat.  J
Exciting about the new people serving missions!  I am so glad that I am on a mission. I really cannot imagine my life without it and where I would be right now or who I would be without my mission. It´s been an incredible experience and I am so grateful for it!
Thanks for sending Tori´s letter. I have to write her back! I feel bad that I haven´t written her.
This week was a great one and I love being with Hermana Jorgensen, she is incredible and such a good example for me. She is a great missionary and the best companion a Sister missionary could ask for. I feel so blessed to be with her.
Kate, our recent convert, is amazing!  We asked her if we could teach some of the ten friends that came to her baptism. She has talked to them and they want to watch her first to see how she acts as a Mormon. If she doesn´t start smoking again and then maybe they will all get baptized!  Kate says that she is determined to be a good example to them. We even went over some things that she can say to them if they ask certain questions. We also taught her how to pray in Spanish so she can pray in church. The next visit we had with her this week she said the opening prayer in Spanish to start the lesson and did a great job!  We are trying to teach her son, Kevin, but he is just so busy. Kate barely sees him. He´s only 14 and speaks Spanish, not English so it is an interesting situation. We are trying to figure out how we can help them as a family. We have been made her visiting teachers along with Hermana Church-an assignment from our Relief Society President.
Maria, our other recent convert, loves Young Women’s. She received her Personal Progress book and loves doing the assignments! She hasn´t started doing them yet on her own though because she loves doing it with us. She loves meeting with us and looks forward to getting out of the home to be with us. We have been trying to meet with her mother but she is always too busy. When we finally do see her, she loves having us in her home and loves our lessons.
Bright and Elvis our other two recent converts are doing well and are staying strong in the gospel for the most part. Bright was able to say a prayer in Spanish. He and Elvis have a desire to get the priesthood so hopefully that will happen soon.  Elder Church is the Gospel Principles teacher for English speakers and all the Africans LOVE  him and are always excited to attend his class.
Happy and Pius are "hanging in there".  Sunday Happy showed up at church with her baby Joann in a stroller. She came by bus and we were so excited to see her and she was SO happy to be there.  We need to continue helping this family. Hermana Church, my companion, and I have also been made Happy´s visiting teachers.
Engracia, another recent convert, is doing so well!! I have really learned the importance of members in the lessons and becoming friends with the investigators, through Engracia´s experience. As soon as we brought the member, Rose Maria, to a lesson, Engracia was golden and she wanted to be baptized. She understood everything and even now a few months later, she will sit next to Rosa Maria every Sunday at church. What's incredible is that she even got a temple recommend to go to the temple with the Branch on Saturday, but in the end couldn´t go because she couldn´t get work off.  She was so sad and was heartbroken. She told us, "Only God knows." She also mentioned that it probably wasn´t her time and that she needed to prepare herself more. She is an amazing example of faith to me.
Dulce is our fecha for this last weekend, is getting baptized next Saturday!  She is SO prepared and was a referral from a member, named Gloria. Dulce is a single mother who wants to be a better mother.  She obeys the Word of Wisdom completely. She loves church and is such a good example to her sister and nephew that live with her.  She is from Cabo Verde, Africa and speaks Portuguese and Spanish. She lived in Portugal for a while and now has been living in Spain here for a while. She has a 4 year old daughter named Ari who is so cute. Dulce is 30 years old and is gorgeous. It has been so neat teaching her. What a blessing.
And that same member named Gloria, invited her other friend, Monica to church. We have been trying to get a hold of Monica for the past month! She was a referral a while ago from the Elders. It was amazing to see her just walk into church and to see that she knew Gloria and Dulce! It was incredible and such a miracle!!!! We immediately set up a cita with her so that we can start teaching her again and her cute family. We are so grateful for Gloria and her amazing missionary efforts.
A little miracle I had was a phone call last night. The first 4 or 5 months I have been here in Zaragoza, we've have struggled a little with trying to connect with the Relief Society President, Beatrice. She is an amazing woman with a strong testimony. Beatrice did the surprise goodbye/happy birthday party for Hermana Reeder, which was a great thing. After Hermana Reeder left, Beatrice has been a bit warmer to us. Yesterday I was feeling a little sick at church. Beatrice called me last night to see how I was feeling.  During the conversation I asked her when we could visit her at her house. (Sister Missionaries have never been invited to her house). She told me that she lived far away in a pueblo. I told her that we would be able to get there. She was surprised and said she would let us know. Even if we don't make it, at least it's progress.
Another miracle was with the less active Young Men´s President Paco and his wife Lorena who we have been trying to visit the whole 7 months I have been here!  We finally went and listened to them talk about their wedding and showed us pictures. They told us their conversion stories and their families´ conversion stories. Then we shared with them a DVD called, "Reflections of Christ" which has a slideshow of pictures portraying Jesus Christ´s visit to the Americas. It was beautiful and we talked about it afterwards. We told them that they are not alone and we bore testimony of the Atonement. The Spirit was so strong. Hermana Jorgensen thanked them for having the Spirit with them in their home. We left their house reflecting with one another the amazing power that we have as missionaries. Sometimes, we don´t realize the power and influence we have on people.  We carry the Spirit with us and have power from our callings and have the wonderful opportunity to help influence lives for the better. No more than 15 minutes later we got a sweet text message from Lorena thanking us and inviting us to eat lunch with them this week. It was wonderful.
Miracles are happening every day!! I LOVE ZARAGOZA. It is a beautiful and exciting area. The work here is thriving and we see the hands of the Lord daily. It is AMAZING. Zaragoza has really changed me and influenced me to become the missionary that I am.
Today for preparation day, we made burritos for the Elders at the church and some no bake cookies.  We also played soccer outside!!! SO FUN!
Wednesday is Halloween! I can´t believe it and am excited to hear all about what you will do with Bryanna and Jasmine! We are going to Lleida again for another specialized training. We have been traveling there so much lately! Then that night we are going to Nicole and Ruben´s house to spend Halloween night there. I am so excited and LOVE Nicole and Ruben. They are from Chile and are in the other Branch. We told them that we would decorate Halloween cookies and they are inviting the Elders over too so it will be fun.
Time is flying by so fast. I can´t believe it.
MOM!! Did I tell you that Charles Abuou, the BYU Basketball player moved to Huesca, which is in my area? He is playing for the professional basketball team there. We are trying to get a hold of him because he contacted the office wanting to know where the church building was. EXCITING RIGHT? I want to get a picture with him... haha.
Also, some BIG news...the Zaragoza Branches are going to be a part of a Stake!! They are forming a Stake and we are all going to Cornella on November 11th to find out the details. And I think the Elders´ Branch will be made into a Ward. Our Branch will stay as a Branch because we need more priesthood holder tithe payers...but it is super exciting! The only sad thing is that I think when we go on the 10th to Barcelona...that I will stay there and spend the night at one of the Hermana´s pisos, then go to the Stake Conference on the 11th...and then stay with the Hermanas until transfers on the 13th when I get transferred to my new area. I don´t want to leave Zaragoza so soon!! I wish I could come back after the Conference and have a least a couple more days here...but I don´t think the church would do would save them money to have me stay in Barcelona the whole time instead of coming back for a day or two and then go back...I don´t know. We will see what happens.
I love you all and I love being a missionary. I love every second of everyday and am enjoying it while I can. IT IS WONDERFUL. J
Thank you for your support and love.
Love,  Laura
P.S. This is our new mission blog:
Oh, and a member painted me a picture of one of my favorite streets in Zaragoza. It is beautiful and I am very pleased with it. I paid her 50 euros and am excited to show it to you. I want to take a picture of the painting with me and the member in it (of her giving it to me).  Hopefully I can send the picture to you next Monday.
Laura and Hna. Jorgensen sitting in front of Maria's house

Trampoline fun

Zaragoza street

Aljaferia Castle in Barcelona